Janet Powell In Context
Contact Me


This site presents an overview of my background, work, and interests.

Most of my clients are
non-profit organizations.

My goal is to help these
organizations use technology
appropriately to further
their cause.

I provide services to clients within the janet powell
Lexington, KY / Bluegrass area,
as well as national and international organizations.
Feel free to contact me about consulting
rates, including web design, public relations, e-book publishing, and more!

My specialties include internet/web security and protection, privacy/identity theft, intellectual property preservation, and web accessibility and usability.  I also provide consultation services in the area of standards compliance with Section 508 of the Americans With Disabilities Act and can help organizations strive to make their websites accessible to all.

Click here to view my OpenBC profile.

janet powell photos More of janet.powell's photos

More coming soon: Utah, Colorado, Nevada, California, Texas, & Montana

Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility Member Janet Powell

N Ten The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network Member Janet Powell
N-Ten: The Nonprofit Technology Enterprise Network

The Electronic Frontier Foundation

Second Life

Founder of: Kentucky Explorers, Ethnographers of Second Life Social Workers of Second Life, Appalachian Advocates, Pat Metheny Fanclub, Ryuichi Sakamoto Fanclub, RUSH (musical group) Fanclub.

Owner of: Botanica Garden Center

Member of:
University of Kentucky, Kuurian Expedition at Indiana University, Second Life Press Club, The Ethics Group, Techsoup.org, Nonprofit Commons, Nonprofit Global Network, NTEN, Techsoup.org, Science Center, Geishas, Thinkers, Psychology and Behavioral Science, Spaceflight Museum Happenings

Help the UN World Food Programme End Child Hunger by 2015 : Click to Feed in Second Life!


"One should really use the camera as though tomorrow you'd be stricken blind. To live a visual life is an enormous undertaking, practically unattainable. I've only touched it, just touched it."

~Dorothea Lange

Copyright © 2008 by Janet Powell.  All rights reserved.





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